Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Privacy is necessary, and FLIGHTSLINEUP values your privacy. We also require your feedback. If you still have concerns, you can call the helpline number and register a complaint.

Cookie Policy

Our customer safety concern is our priority, and this is why we use cookies on our website. Cookies allow us to explain what a cookie is and what options are available to you.

We use a cookie policy just to improve your browsing experience so we can provide you with more services. It helps you in your preferred language and currency. It makes the website more easy to use for the user.

Personal Details

Flightslineup believes that personal details should not be shared with a third-party company. If the information is being shared, then it should be a hotel or transport.

What do we have in the name of your personal details?

We will have your –

  • Name
  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Residential Address
  • Postal Address
  • Payment Details

We collect all this data through forms, calls, social media, offers, deals, and emails.

Children under 18

If you are under 18, then you will not be able to book your ticket. Your booking should be done by your elder or your parents.

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